If you have finally decided that it is time to earn more money, you are at the right place. If you are an entrepreneur, you definitely need the best possible online store to broaden your product market. If you are a web designer or developer, don’t leave this page in a hurry. This is not just another eCommerce website templates showcase. Only premier templates are gathered here. Their superb quality will make your customers happy and your wallet thick. They...
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Hello, guys! Do you like to listen to interesting stories with happy ends? We don’t mean fairy tales of course. Surely you do. So, grab your favorite beverage and snack and continue reading. We are having George Hogan from Mexico here and he is ready to share his personal story of eCommerce success with us. This kind of interviews with real people can be rather inspiring and help the most hesitant of us make the first step, then another one, and...
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Starting a business is often the fun part: Coming up with an idea, building your online store, and imagining all the things your business will become once it takes off. But without the knowledge or budget for marketing, driving traffic and making sales can become your biggest hurdle on the road to success. It can be frustrating knowing you’ve got a great store and great products, but only a small trickle of traffic coming in and few or no sales....
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Shopify has integrated with Amazon to make it easy to list your products on the world’s largest marketplace and get increased brand visibility. While your online store showcases your brand, offers the most control over customer experience and allows you not to pay an intermediary, there are definitely valuable market shares to be gained by selling on more channels. Depending on your business, selling on Amazon can increase your revenues by reaching new online shoppers who are not already familiar with your company. And...
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The folks over at Mofluid have produced the below infographic which tries to compare key aspects of Shopify vs. Magento: Features Ease of use Support Hosting & Security In terms of Customizability, they seem to have overlooked that Shopify has an awesome state-of-the-art templating system and a comprehensive API, allowing the creation of plugins covering all the features you could ever dream of. Otherwise, their infographic still gives a good visual overview of the major dimensions to consider when choosing one solution over the...
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Whether you have barely started marketing your new business or have been trying like crazy to get sales without any luck, getting your first real customer is a key milestone for every eCommerce entrepreneur and probably the strongest motivator you can aim for. With hundreds of ways to promote your business, it can be overwhelming to evaluate all of them to find which ones make most sense for your unique offering and positioning. So here’s a challenge: For 30...
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Whether you’re looking to escape the 9-to-5 grind or you just want to earn some money on the side, there are plenty of ways to turn your skills and interests into a new revenue stream. Sure, making money online sounds like a daydream. But the truth is, even though starting a business of any kind is hard work, countless people have already done it. Chances are, you can too! Here are some simple ideas you can use to start...
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The days of waiting for online orders to arrive are coming to an end — finally! With Postmates and UberRUSH, Shopify merchants can deliver products to their local customers on-demand. If your business is located in a supported city, you can use courier services like Postmates and UberRUSH to offer on-demand delivery to your customers at checkout. Any time a local customer checks out from your Shopify store, they’ll be able to select on-demand delivery as their delivery method....
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One of the biggest challenge for eCommerce entrepreneurs starting an online selling business is the very first step of figuring out what products to actually sell online. With literally millions of possibilities, this seemingly incredible choice typically ends up being a curse causing most people to give up with their idea of starting an online business. In an effort to help aspiring eCommerce entrepreneurs, Shopify analyzed and reverse engineered hundreds of online businesses, their products, and niches to put together a very comprehensive guide...
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5 Tips on Choosing the Best eCommerce Hosting Solution Online shopping has quickly become one of the best ways to conduct business. With this, a lot of web hosting companies have begun to expand to hosting eCommerce sites as well. Almost all of the big web-hosting providers offer these special packages, so it can be difficult to select one for your business. In order to choose the best one for you, you should consider certain factors before selecting a...
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